What Citizens for Local Power Does

Citizens for Local Power (C4LP) is a grassroots, all volunteer collection of energy advocates, comprised of folks who originally organized to explore energy options as part of an action group associated with Local 20/20 in Jefferson County, WA. Local 20/20 was organized to facilitate greater local self-reliance in a number of critical areas such as, Food & Farms, Water, Emergency Preparation, Shelter, Energy, Health and Wellness, etc.

In general, our members act in various ways. As a proactive energy action group, we research and invite experts with a range of experience in the field of renewable and sustainable energy systems as well as presenters who offer potential scenarios of what we may all be facing downstream in order to keep our local citizenry apprised of appropriate technological choices intended to satisfy the demands of a changing energy future.

Meanwhile, under the C4LP label, we focus on advocacy for particular outcomes. Our first effort was to conduct a campaign that authorized our Public Utility District to negotiate with a private, regional power company in order to acquire our electrical distribution grid. That effort resulted in a successful campaign and we are now well on our way to having local control of that grid, providing livable family wage jobs and direct access to the Commissioners who will be setting rates and making sure our electric service remains economically viable and technically reliable.

So while we serve in at least two capacities, education and advocacy, we are the same organization of volunteer activists changing hats and names depending on the role required.